Thursday, July 10, 2014

Brahmananda-valli an inquiry into bliss.

This shlokam is taken from AnandaValli of Taittirya Upanishad: 8th Anuvaka in the Krishna Yajur vedam. It describes what happens individuals on the spiritual plane and the level of bliss they attain. This shlokam (hymn) is also found in Youtube:

You can slo read this with the video embedded in:

भीषाऽस्माद्वातः पवते | भीषोदेति सूर्यः| भीषाऽस्मादग्निश्चेन्द्रश्च | मृत्युर्धावति पञ्चम इति ||

bhī ā'smādvāta pavate | bhī odeti sūrya |bhī ā'smādagniścendraśca | mrtyurdhāvati pañcama iti |

From fear of him does the wind blow|
From Fear of him does the Sun rise |
From fear of him do Agni and Indra do their duty| From fear of him Death, the fifth runs away||

सौषाऽऽनन्दस्य मीमाँसा भवति|
saishā''nandasya mīmāgum sā bhavati |
This is the inquiry (mimamsa) concerning bliss.||

युवा स्यात्साधुयुवाऽध्यायकः|
आशिष्ठो दृढिष्ठो बलिष्ठः|
तस्येयं पृथिवी सर्वा वित्तस्य पूर्णा स्यात्||

yuvā syātsādhu yuvādhyāyaka |
Aśishto Dridhisto Balshtaha|
tasyeyasham prthivī sarvā vittasya pūr āsyāt ||

Suppose a youth, a good youth, learned in the sacred lore, promptest in action, steadiest in heart, strongest in body, suppose his is all this earth of wealth.

स एको मानुष आनन्दः |
sa eko mānu a ānanda |
This is one human bliss. |

ते ये शतं मानुषा आनन्दाः |
te ye śatam mānuSHā̍ ānandā |
What is a hundred times the human bliss?|

स एको मनुष्यगन्धर्वाणामानन्दः
sa eko manushyagandharvāNām ānanda |
that is one bliss of human fairies (gandharvas),

As such a sage full of revelation (of the vedas),

चाकामहतस्य |
Without any (cravings/passion) enjoys the same bliss,

ते ये शतं मनुष्यगन्धर्वाणामानन्दाः|
te ye śatam  manuSHyagandharvā"ā̍mānandā|
What is a hundred times the bliss of human fairies?

स एको देवगन्धर्वाणामानन्दः| श्रोत्रियस्य चाकामहतस्य
sa eko devagandharvā"ā̍mānanda  | śrotriyasya cākāma̍hatasya |
This is the bliss of the Deva (God-Like: EG YAKSHA/YAKSHINI) fairies, and the Sage full of revelations and free from cravings enjoys the same bliss

MY NOTE: Manushya Gandharvas and Deva Ghandharvas (Bhima meets them in the MBH when he looks for a flower to please draupadi, they are like Yakshas and Yakshini) are different celestial beings, not devas PLEASE NOTE!

ते ये शतं देवगन्धर्वाणामानन्दाः |
te ye śatam devagandharvā"ā̍mānandā |
What is a hundred times the bliss of the God-Like fairies?

स एकः पितृणां चिरलोकलोकानामानन्दः|  श्रोत्रियस्य चाकामहतस्य
sa eka  pitrNām chiralokalokānā̍mānanda |
that is one bliss of the Pitris (forefathers, ancestors), and the Sage full of revelations and free from cravings enjoys the same bliss

MY NOTE: These are the Pitre devas you perform Shraddham to, by performing this ritual, you obtain their punya and thus lead a long and fulfilling life 

ते ये शतं पितृणां चिरलोकलोकानामानन्दाः|
te ye śatam pitrNāM  ciralokalokānā̍mānāndā |śrotriyasya cākāma̍hatasya |
What is a hundred times the bliss of the Pitris (forefathers, ancestors)?

स एक आजानजानां देवानामानन्दः| श्रोत्रियस्य चाकामहतस्य
sa eka ājānajānā devānā̍mānanda| śrotriyasya cākāma̍hatasya |
that is one bliss of the Devas born in the Ajana and the Sage full of revelations and free from cravings enjoys the same bliss

MY NOTE: AJANA Devas are a special category of Devas which enjoy, well a higher bliss and longer life within the "AJAANALOKA"

ते ये शतं आजानजानां देवानामानन्दाः |
te ye śatamājānajānā  devānā̍mānandā  |
What is a hundred times the bliss of the Devas born in the Ajana?

स एकः कर्मदेवानां देवानामानन्दः| ये कर्मणा देवानपियन्ति| श्रोत्रियस्य चाकामहतस्य|
sa eka   karmadevānām  devānā̍mānaanda   | ye karmanā devāna̍piyanti | śrotriyasya cākāma̍hatasya |
That is the Bliss of the Karma devas. Through Karma, they have reached the Devas, and the Sage full of revelations and free from cravings enjoys the same bliss.

  MY NOTE: Could mean one of 2 things, either men who perform selfless action, charitable deeds, and service in the name of god attain this position, or those who perform great yagnyas in the Karma khanda, nevertheless even this is beaten by:

ते ये शतं कर्मदेवानां देवानामानन्दाः |
te ye śatam  karmadevānām devānā̍mānandā |
What is a hundred times the bliss of the Karma Devas?

स एको देवानामानन्दः| श्रोत्रियस्य चाकामहतस्य |
sa eko devānā̍mānanda  | śrotriyasya cākāma̍hatasya |
that is one bliss of Devas, and the Sage full of revelations and free from cravings enjoys the same bliss. |

These are the ACTUAL DEVAS, AGNI, VAAYU, ETC but theres more:

ते ये शतं देवानामानन्दाः
te ye śata  devānāmānandā  
What is a hundred times the bliss of Devas?

स एक इन्द्रस्याऽऽनन्दः| श्रोत्रियस्य चाकामहतस्य|
sa eka indra̍syāanda   | śrotriyasya cākāma̍hata̱sya |
that is one bliss of Indra, and the Sage full of revelations and free from cravings enjoys the same bliss. |

  NOTE: Though Indra, a powerful king, he is still limited by the Punya he has performed, and once he has exhausted all his punya, then he is thrown back to Bho (earth) lokam, this is why SHUKRACHARYA tells MAHABALI to NOT sit on INDRA'S throne, thereby not burning his tapasya

ते ये शतमिन्द्रस्याऽऽनन्दाः|
te ye śatamindra̍syānaandā   
What is a hundred times the bliss of Indra,

स एको बृहस्पतेरानन्दः| श्रोत्रियस्य चाकामहतस्य|
sa eko brhaspaterānanda | śrotriyasya cākāma̍hata̱sya |
That is Brhaspati, (GURU) and the Sage full of revelations and free from cravings enjoys the same bliss.|

  My NOTE: When Indra disobeys his GURU he is thrown from his pedestal as the KING of the GODS and, BALI, under the instructions of his GURU SHUKRACHARYA, obediently follows his every word and wins the three worlds. As such, the position of GURU is even higher

ते ये शतं बृहस्पतेरानन्दाः
te ye śatam brhaspaterānanda
What is a hundred times the bliss of Brihaspati (GURU)?

स एकः प्रजापतेरानन्दः| श्रोत्रियस्य चाकामहतस्य|
sa eka  prajapaterānanda  | śrotriyasya cākāma̍hatasya |
that is one bliss of the Prajapati, and the Sage full of revelations and free from cravings enjoys the same bliss.|

  My NOTE: Prajapati is the overlord of a specific area, or trilokam, like Dakshaprajapati, and his bliss is even higher than all so far

ते ये शतं प्रजापतेरानन्दाः
te ye śatam prajāpaterānandā
What is a hundred times the bliss of Prajapati?

स एको ब्रह्मण आनन्दः| श्रोत्रियस्य चाकामहतस्य
sa eko brahmaa̍ ānanda  | śrotriyasya cākāma̍hata̱sya |
that is one bliss of Brahma, and the Sage full of revelations and free from cravings enjoys the same bliss.|

NOTE: Though Dhaksha, a Prajapati, insults Shiva, Dhaksha is quelled by Shiva because Shiva is BRAHMAAN, or SITUATED IN BRHAMAAN thus, DHAKSHA, is inferior to SHIVA who is BRAHMAAN

स यश्चायं पुरुषे यश्चासावादित्ये । स एकः ।
sa yaścā̍ya puruSHe yaścāsāvāditye| sa eka |
And this one who is in the man, and that one who is in the sun, He is one

स य एवंवित्
sa ya evamvith
HE who knows

asmāllokātpret ya|
When departing from this world (Upon Death)

एतं प्राणमयमात्मानमुपसङ्क्रामति|
एतं मनोमयमात्मानमुपसङ्क्रामति|
एतं विज्ञानमयमात्मानमुपसङ्क्रामति|
etamannamayamātmānamupasa   krāmati |
eta prānamayamātmānamupa̍sa(ng) krāmati|
eta manomayamātmānamupasa krāmati |
eta vijñānamayamātmānamupasa krāmati |
eta mānandamayamātmānamupasa  krāmati |

attains the Annamaya Kosha|
The Pranamaya Kosha|
The Manomaya Kosha|
The Vijnyaanamaya Kosha|
The Anandamaya Kosha (Knowledge of the soul)|

तदप्येष श्लोको भवति
tadapye shaśhloko bhavati ||
On that note, here is the next Anuvaka ||

यतो वाचो निवर्तन्ते |अप्राप्य मनसा सह|
आनन्दं ब्रह्मणो विद्वान् | न बिभेति कुतश्चनेति
yato̱ vāco̱ nivartante | aprā̎pya̱ manasā saha |
ānandam brahmaNo vidvān | na bibheti  kuta̍ścane̱ti ||

He who knows the bliss of Brahman, (आनन्दं ब्रह्मणो विद्वान् )
whence (all) words recede, (यतो वाचो निवर्तन्ते )
as well as mind, without reaching, (अप्राप्य मनसा सह )
he is not afraid of anyone whatsoever. (न बिभेति कुतश्चनेति)
Shivam Shantham Jagannatham Lokanugraha KarakamShivam Shantham Jagannatham Lokanugraha Karakam

Note: Without mind reaching, in other words, you cant conceptualise BRAHMAAN! But you can know him and he who knows him, reaches immortality, he's deathless as he is situated in BRAHMAAN

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